

Kazakh and other languages +7 (705) 679-41-05
English (only what's up) +7 (777) 082-04-03
Receiving calls: 24/7 seven days a week
Address KAZAKHSTAN, ASTANA CITY, “ALMATY” DISTRICT, KENESARY STREET, House 40, Business Center “7 Continent”, Office 1904/A, Zip code: 010000
E-mail for communication on general issues info@countasia.kz
For inquiries regarding spare parts rfq@countasia.kz
KAZAKHSTAN, ASTANA CITY, “ALMATY” DISTRICT, KENESARY STREET, House 40, Business Center “7 Continent”, Office 1904/A, Zip code: 010000
Location map
Working hours:
Around the clock: 24/7
+7 (705) 679-41-05
(Kazakh and other languages)
+7 (777) 082-04-03
What’s Up (English)
E-mail for communication on general issues
For inquiries regarding spare parts
Please, do not hesitate to contact us directly!
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